11th Summer School on IoT and its Applications – senZations’16

poniedziałek 4.07.2016

August 28 – September 2, 2016, Palace Lochow (near Warsaw), Poland


After 10 years, senZations, the oldest summer school on IoT in the world, is coming back to Poland. To mark this occasion we have prepared even more exciting educational program – and social activities – and all these in the beautiful surroundings of a landscape park!

Join us! Register and book your place.

Learn about the latest achievements in the field of IoT from the experts coming from academia and industry.

Learn about challenges and opportunities of starting and running an IoT startup.

Join us, have fun, meet peers and experienced researchers, expand your network of contacts.

The aims of the summer school are to:

– Provide access to the latest results, trends, activities and applications in the IoT domain
– Create your own IoT product on top of a live LoRa testbed deployment
– Learn about security, privacy and societal aspects of IoT
– Identify research opportunities, important challenges and research directions
– Interact with experienced researchers and entrepreneurs and establish new contacts
– Have fun and enjoy beauty of nature while acquiring new skills and expertise


Hackhaton: Work in teams comprising technical and business focused members in order to design and deploy solutions on different devices and frameworks, together with analysis of its market potential.

Lectures: Each day will feature lectures with subsequent discussions around important IoT research themes and technology areas:

– IoT system architecture: an overview of the existing platforms, such as Microsoft Azure, and how to use them to build an IoT solution
– Applications: smart cities, smart agriculture, smart retail
– Wearables in IoT
– Social impacts of IoT, including co-creation process
– Latest standards developments, such as LoRa WAN

Lecturers include: Alex Gluhak (Digital Catapult UK), Konrad Wrona (NCI Agency), Krzysztof Murawski (Military Univ. of Technology), Rob van Kranenburg (IoT Council), Sebastien Ziegler (Mandate International), Antonio Skarmeta (Univ. of Murcia), Sotiris Nikoletseas (CTI/Univ. of Patras), Charalampos Doukas (Create Net), Srdjan Krco (DunavNET), Klaus Moesnner (Univ of Surrey), Thomas Watteyne (INRIA).

Participants Workshop: All participants will have an opportunity to exercise their presentation skills and to get constructive feedback while presenting their own work and/or the results of the team projects.

Social activities: A half-day excursion, a dinner party as well as other interesting social activities will be also organized.


The summer school will take place in the historical Palace Lochow near Warsaw, in the heart of the Nadbużański Landscape Park.


Participation is open to all qualified applicants, but the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50. Please register early. To apply, please fill in the form available at http://www.senzations.net.

The registration fee includes participation at all school activities, school material, 6 days shared accommodation in double rooms with full-board, a social event and access to all hotel (4*) facilities.

There are frequent plane, train and bus connections between Warsaw and most major European cities. An option of organized transport will be provided from Warsaw to Palac Lochow at the beginning and the end of the school. Alternatively, frequent bus and train connections between Warsaw and Lochow are available for individual travelers.

COST (including accommodation)

Early bird registration (before June 1, 2016): 450 Euro
Regular registration: 490 Euro

SPECIAL OFFER FOR IoT week 2016 participants

30% discount (applicable also to colleagues and students of people registered for the full IoT week event).

Program Committee

Srdjan Krco, DunavNET
Konrad Wrona, NCI Agency
Alexander Gluhak, Digital Catapult UK
Gordana Nikolic, PAR

Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki
i Matematyki

ul. Nowoursynowska 159,
02-776 Warszawa



Wydział realizuje w trybie stacjonarnym i
niestacjonarnym dwa kierunki studiów I i II stopnia
- Informatyka oraz Informatyka i Ekonometria:
kierunki studiów

Kategoryzacja MNiSW

Wydział otrzymał w kategoryzacji Ministerstwa
Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego:
2013: kategorię A
2017: kategorię B
ocena działaności naukowej

Ocena PKA

Bardzo wysoka ocena Państwowej Komisji
Akredytacyjnej dla kierunku:
2013: Informatyka i Ekonometria
2017: Informatyka
ocena programowa

Jakość kształcenia

na Wydziale Zastosowań Informatyki i Matematyki
jakość kształcenia

Wyposażenie dydaktyczne

Uczymy korzystając z nowoczesnego
wyposażenia dydaktycznego:


Dziekanat WZIiM @WZIM
Samorząd Studentów WZIiM @WZIiMSGGW
Koło naukowe REDINUX @redinux
Silver .Net Group @silvernetgroupsggw
Businnes Intelligence Group SAS @bigsasgroup
Podyplomowe studia SELinux @setenforce1

Biuro Karier SGGW
SGGW @karierasggw