Na seminarium KEiS, które odbędzie się 24 września o godzinie 10 w sali 3/40, referat pod tytułem What is and how to use KeTCindy/KeTCindyJS wygłosi prof. Setsuo Takato (Toho University, Japan).
Krótkie streszczenie poniżej, dłuższe streszczenie w załączniku.
Ketcindy is a plug-in for Cinderella2, a Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS), originally developed as a kind of preprocessor for LaTeX-based graphical code systems. It is particularly useful for teachers wanting to produce printed materials containing technical drawings, which are to be distributed to students in science courses. Ketcindy has enhanced functions to call the Computer Algebra System (CAS) Maxima, whose output can be re-used inside Ketcindy. Recently, we have implemented Ketcindy JS to produce more interactive materials. It is a collaborative work of Ketcindy and CindyJS, the later created by a group of researchers at the Technical University of Munich. Using Ketcindy JS, users can produce web-based materials to be used interactively in the classroom.