ACA 2016 Kassel (Germany) August 1st – 4th

Thursday 16.06.2016

Computer algebra modeling in science and engineering

Special Session at the 22nd International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA’2016), August 1 – 4, 2016, Kassel, Germany

Aim and scope

The progressive impact of the Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in science-based disciplines vividly is noticeable. It is rare to encounter a scientific investigation that is immune from the beneficial influences. Symbolic capabilities of CAS provide a forum to perform amazing calculations that practically are impossible otherwise. Within the last 25 years, applications of CAS are being extended beyond the peculiarities of scientific disciplines: biology, chemistry, microbiology, and physics, and has become the tool of the choice analyzing engineering and mathematical challenging problems. For instance, dynamic simulations of engineering issues are addressed and mathematical conjectures are formulated and verified. Applications of CAS lend itself beyond the researchers’ tools and have become powerful pedagogical instruments. The latter is suitable to engage the computer savvy generation promoting the discipline of interest.

The purpose of organizing this session is to bring together enthusiast users of Computer Algebra Systems in science, engineering and mathematics. Expected topics of presentation include (but are not restricted to)

♦ symbolic and numerical methods solving ODEs
♦ modeling and simulation in physics
♦ perturbation theories
♦ stability and motion control
♦ applications in biology, chemistry, and microbiology
♦ simulation of quantum computation


Alexander Prokopenya, <>
Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland

Haiduke Sarafian, <>
Professor of Physics and
John T. and Paige S. Smith Professor of Science
The Pennsylvania State University, USA


If you are interested presenting, please email an abstract to either one of the organizers. Each presentation including Q&A is 30 minutes. Tentative abstract submission deadline is May 29, 2016; early submissions are appreciated. More than one abstract may be submitted.


1. A. Bilek, M. Beldi, T. Cherfi, S. Djebali, S. Larbi. Experimental and Finite Elements Stress Analysis of a Double Edge Notched Specimen

2. R. Kragler. Symbolic Contour Integration in Mathematica: Some Special Topics to be Investigated

3. A. Prokopenya. Motion of a Swinging Atwood’s Machine: Simulation and Analysis

4. H. Sarafian. Application of Computer Algebra System and the Mean-Value Theory for Evaluating Electrostatic Potential and its Associated Field for Nontrivial Configurations

5. S. Takato, J.A. Vallejo, M. Kaneko. Interfacing KetCindy and CASs, and its Applications to Scientific Problems Modeling

6. T. Telksnys, Z. Navickas, M. Ragulskis. Construction of Analytical Solutions to Nonlinear Evolution Equations Using the Generalized Differential Operator Method

7. S. Zouaoui, H. Djebouri, A. Bilek, K. Mohammedi. Modelling and Simulation of a Solid Particle Sidementation in an Incompressible Newtonian Fluid

8. M.Zh. Minglibayev, A. Prokopenya, G.M. Mayemerova, Zh.U. Imanova. Secular perturbations of Two-Planetary Three-Body Problem with the Masses Changing Anisotropically in Different Rates

9. A. Siluszuk. On Degenerate Central Configurations in the N-Body Problem


More information about the session can be found
at the ACA2016 conference web page

Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki
i Matematyki

ul. Nowoursynowska 159,
02-776 Warszawa



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2017: kategorię B
ocena działaności naukowej

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2013: Informatyka i Ekonometria
2017: Informatyka
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