Seminar of the Department of Applied Mathematics

Friday 18.01.2019

We invite to the seminar of the Department of Applied Mathematics Monday, January 21, 12:15am room 3/7.

Our speaker is Amitesh Datta, Princeton University

Title: The Siegel Mass Formula and Tamagawa Numbers

Abstract: I will introduce the Siegel Mass Formula, which states (in a special case) that the solution to a certain counting problem of quadratic forms over the integers is equal to a product of special values of the Gamma and Riemann Zeta functions! I will interpret this formula in terms of Tamagawa numbers. If time permits, I will briefly discuss the relationship to counting principle G-bundles over an algebraic curve over a finite field. The talk will be elementary and motivated through concrete examples, beginning with a discussion of quadratic forms, and leading to the statement of the Siegel Mass Formula and related ideas.

Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki
i Matematyki

ul. Nowoursynowska 159,
02-776 Warszawa



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2017: Informatyka
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