
The 200th year of educating has started

Wednesday 30.09.2015

The academic year 2015/16 has been inaugurated at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. This year the university will celebrate the 200th anniversary of agricultural education in Poland. Next May it will have been 200 years since the establishment of the Institute of Agronomy in Marymont, from which the Warsaw University of Life Sciences is ...

WULS-SGGW among the best universities in the world

Monday 4.05.2015

Warsaw University of Life Sciences was qualified to the top one hundred international universities in the field of agriculture and forestry. QS World University Rankings of the service is the fifth edition of the ranking, which in addition to analyzing about 17.3 million of research works, gathered the views of more than 85,000 scientists ...

Exact sciences and mathematics in Central-Eastern Europe from the mid-XIX century till WW II

Wednesday 11.02.2015

Committee for the History of Science and Technology, Polish Academy of Sciences; Commission on the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences; International Academy of the History of Science along with: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of University of Rzeszów; Institute of Physics, Pedagogical University of Cracow; Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science of Cracow University of ...

Michał Kruk, Ph.D., wins a Science Award granted by the Polityka magazine

Monday 20.10.2014

The Director of the Department of intelligent systems at the Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics won the award for technical sciences. During the Ceremony on the premises of POLITYKA editorial office on 19 October 2014, a scientist from the WULS-SGGW, Dr. Eng .Michał Kruk, received the Science Award granted by the Polityka magazine. He was ...

Polish Youth Program

Wednesday 6.08.2014

Within the framework of the celebrations carried out on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Turkey and Poland, Turkish Prime Ministry is organizing an event in Turkey this September for the Polish youth. In this regard, twenty five young Poles will be hosted in Turkey for five days. ...

The celebration of the 200th anniversary

Wednesday 5.03.2014

In 2016 it will be 200 years since the Agronomic Institute in Marymont, the progenitor of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW started agricultural education in Poland. WULS-SGGW inaugurated the 200th anniversary celebrations with a solemn Ball, which took place on 1 March 2014 at the Crystal Hall of Warsaw University of Life ...

The 16th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing

Monday 23.12.2013

Institute of Mathematics, University of Kassel, Germany, and Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland, are organizing the 16th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC 2014, it will be held in the city of Warsaw, Poland, September 8-12, 2014. Web: Full Call for Papers: The Proceedings ...

Student exchange programs

Tuesday 3.12.2013

The Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences participates in student exchange programs. Detailed informations can be found on the website:

See also:

Erasmus Mundus, project IAMONET-RU

Erasmus Mundus, project ALRAKIS II


Information technology: economics, technology, education

Wednesday 6.11.2013

The International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Information technologies: economics, technology and education" will take place in Kiev, Ukraine, on November 15-16, 2013. More information can be found in information.pdf.

Medical Innovation and Computing Service

Tuesday 2.04.2013

The Medical Innovation and Computing Service (MICS) International Conference is scheduled to take place from 2nd to 4th August 2013 in Tainan, Taiwan. Details about the conference can be accessed at

Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research

Thursday 21.03.2013

The Collegium Mazovia Innovative University, Warsaw University of Life Sciences and Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities will organise The Seventh International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research from 22 to 25 September 2013 in Siedlce, Poland.

Automatics-2013, Ukraine

Wednesday 20.02.2013

The XX International Conference on Automatic Control „Automatics-2013” will be held in Mykolayiv, Ukraine on September 25-27, 2013. The participants send conference application forms and reports via e-mail or register on the conference web-site The text of the report should be prepared in accordance with requirements defined in the appendix. For more information please see the ...

The 3rd International Conference on Man-Machine Interactions

Wednesday 6.02.2013

The 3rd International Conference on Man-Machine Interactions will take place in Beskids, Poland, from 22 to 25 October 2013. The Conference is organised by the Institute of Informatics, the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gliwice, Poland. The aim of the Conference is to ...

A farm pratice in the Loire Region, France

Monday 4.02.2013

Groupe ESA – ANGERS gives the opportunity to students from its partner universities to do a farm pratice. For detailed information, application form and CV template see the attachments: 1. Program and application form; 2. CV Template.  

Study at WULS

Tuesday 11.12.2012

The Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics is one of the faculties at Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
– the most innovative and creative public University in Poland. At present there are over 800 students and 14 Phd students enrolled at the Faculty and over 90 university teachers in 4 Departments: Informatics, Applied Informatics, Econometrics and Statistics and Applied Mathematics.

The Faculty offers two study programs:

• Informatics and Econometrics, both BSc and MSc degree;
• Informatics, both BSc and MSc degree.


Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysi

Saturday 1.12.2012

Please find attached the Poster of ASMDA2013 Conference. The forthcoming 15th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Conference (ASMDA 2013) will take place in Mataró (Barcelona), Spain, 25-28 June 2013. This is the 15th Conference of the ASMDA International Society celebrating the 32 years from the first event in Brussels in 1981. For more information and ...

Job postings for informatics students

Thursday 22.11.2012

We publish two job postings for graduated informatics students obtained from the Submissions-Anzeiger Verlag GmbH Hamburg company: Web development and Server administration & php programming.

Information Systems in Management

Monday 19.11.2012

We cordially invite you to participate in the VII Conference Information Systems in Management to be held in the Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics on November 22-23, 2012. The conference programme is available here.

I International Congress of Bioeconomy

Tuesday 23.10.2012

The I International Congress of Bioeconomy will be held on 9 November in Łódź. Participation is free of charge but registration is required. The Congress program is shown below. For further information please visit the website (in Polish) or contact: Kinga Gołębiewska, E-Mail, Tel. +48 42 291 97 52.

The Conference of Students and Young Scientists

Thursday 18.10.2012

The Third International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Information technologies: economics, technology and education" will take place in Kiev, Ukraine, on November 15-16, 2012. More information can be found in information.pdf and  invitation.pdf, and on the website

Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki
i Matematyki

ul. Nowoursynowska 159,
02-776 Warszawa



Wydział realizuje w trybie stacjonarnym i
niestacjonarnym dwa kierunki studiów I i II stopnia
- Informatyka oraz Informatyka i Ekonometria:
kierunki studiów

Kategoryzacja MNiSW

Wydział otrzymał w kategoryzacji Ministerstwa
Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego:
2013: kategorię A
2017: kategorię B
ocena działaności naukowej

Ocena PKA

Bardzo wysoka ocena Państwowej Komisji
Akredytacyjnej dla kierunku:
2013: Informatyka i Ekonometria
2017: Informatyka
ocena programowa

Jakość kształcenia

na Wydziale Zastosowań Informatyki i Matematyki
jakość kształcenia

Wyposażenie dydaktyczne

Uczymy korzystając z nowoczesnego
wyposażenia dydaktycznego:


Dziekanat WZIiM @WZIM
Samorząd Studentów WZIiM @WZIiMSGGW
Koło naukowe REDINUX @redinux
Silver .Net Group @silvernetgroupsggw
Businnes Intelligence Group SAS @bigsasgroup
Podyplomowe studia SELinux @setenforce1

Biuro Karier SGGW
SGGW @karierasggw