Student exchange programs

Erasmus+ traineeship!!!

Tuesday 21.07.2020

International Relation Office informs about the possibility of an Erasmus + traineeship this summer.

Information on requirements can be found on the university website:

With regards,

Dr Paweł Jankowski

Courses taught in English

Friday 14.11.2014

The following courses taught in English are offered for students of EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS such as ERASMUS or ERASMUS MUNDUS:

Basic Statistics,
Biology Inspired Computations,
Building Database Applications Using MS Access,
Calculations in Finance and Risk Management,
Calculus with Applications,
Cisco Technology,
Computer Aided Business,
Computer Networks,
Computer Simulation in Mechanics with Mathematica,
Credit Ratings and Migration Matrices in Financial Risk,
Curve and Surface Reconstruction,
Data Integration System (ETL),
Digital Technology,
Energy Risk Management,
European Countries in Transition,
Financial Markets in Transition,
Introduction to Algorithms,
Introduction to Numerical Methods,
Introduction to Quantum Informatics,
Management Information Systems,
Management Information System Design,
Mathematical Economics,
Mathematical Models in Biology and Economics,
Nonlife Actuarial Models,
Object-oriented Programming,
Operations Research,
Probability with Applications,
Programming of Dynamic Internet Applications,
Programming with Mathematica,
Quantitative Methods in Financial Derivatives,
Reporting Services (ETL),
Structured Query Language (SQL),
Theory and Practice of a portfolio Optimization,
Vanilla and Exotic Options,
Working with Excel Macros.

For further information about studies at the Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics please contact Dr. Beata Zduniak, email:

For further information about the EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS offered within the Warsaw University of Life Sciences see

For the full offer of the courses taught in English at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences see

Student exchange programs

Tuesday 3.12.2013

The Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences participates in student exchange programs. Detailed informations can be found on the website:

See also:

Erasmus Mundus, project IAMONET-RU

Erasmus Mundus, project ALRAKIS II


Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki
i Matematyki

ul. Nowoursynowska 159,
02-776 Warszawa



Wydział realizuje w trybie stacjonarnym i
niestacjonarnym dwa kierunki studiów I i II stopnia
- Informatyka oraz Informatyka i Ekonometria:
kierunki studiów

Kategoryzacja MNiSW

Wydział otrzymał w kategoryzacji Ministerstwa
Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego:
2013: kategorię A
2017: kategorię B
ocena działaności naukowej

Ocena PKA

Bardzo wysoka ocena Państwowej Komisji
Akredytacyjnej dla kierunku:
2013: Informatyka i Ekonometria
2017: Informatyka
ocena programowa

Jakość kształcenia

na Wydziale Zastosowań Informatyki i Matematyki
jakość kształcenia

Wyposażenie dydaktyczne

Uczymy korzystając z nowoczesnego
wyposażenia dydaktycznego:


Dziekanat WZIiM @WZIM
Samorząd Studentów WZIiM @WZIiMSGGW
Koło naukowe REDINUX @redinux
Silver .Net Group @silvernetgroupsggw
Businnes Intelligence Group SAS @bigsasgroup
Podyplomowe studia SELinux @setenforce1

Biuro Karier SGGW
SGGW @karierasggw