Information Systems In Management

Sunday 2.02.2014

Information Systems In Management are the 2-year MSc studies of overall duration: 4 semesters. All subjects are taught in English. The studies are realized as full-time courses.

The number of the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points is 120.


The detailed program of the studies:

Information Systems In Management.

Educational Mission

The specialization of Information Systems In Management, according to the program requirements, is focused mainly on methods of analysis of the economic phenomena. It belongs to the economical sciences. Students are acquainted with the quantitative methods of economic analysis and software tools and their practical application. The graduate is able to combine the available methods and tools into the integrated computer analysis systems as well as to modify existing systems.

The specialization prepares future programmers, designers and analysts of modern information systems that are used in companies. This specialization is focused on the use of high level programming languages, design and programming of the databases, as well as the design and administration of the computer networks.

Acquired skills

The graduate has the rudimentary knowledge of the economy, management and finances. He knows methods and mathematical, statistical and econometric tools required for the analysis of the micro- and macro-scale economic phenomena. He is also expected to have the knowledge about the economical informatics, i.e.: the design, programming and deployment of the information systems and the administration of computer networks. Finally, he should be able to make decisions concerning the management of the economic and financial organizations.

The graduate of the studies will have a good command of mathematical, statistical and econometrical methods and tools required to the advanced analysis of economical phenomena in the micro- and macro-scale. He should also be able to make rational decisions in all possible economical companies and organizations. The expected skills include design and implementation of advanced information systems and databases in economical and administration organizations. The graduate should also be able to run the advanced advisory business and to manifest creativity. Finally, the graduate should be prepared to conduct research and to start the third level (PhD) studies.

Detailed knowledge domains

Studies in the specialization of Informatics and Econometrics are focused mainly on the mathematic, computer science and economics. They allow the students to gain knowledge and skills in the following areas:

• computer programming,
• administration of computer operating systems,
• design of relational databases,
• theoretical fundamentals of the design, implementation and exploitation of information systems,
• local and wide area networks,
• use of mathematical and statistical methods in economy,
• modelling and prediction of economic phenomena using econometric methods,
• computer simulation.

Potential workplaces

Graduates of the Informatics and Econometrics specialization can seek employment at:

• central and local governements,
• centres of the agricultural information for the needs of the agricultural policy of the European Union,
• boards of directors in the companies and organizations working in the food economy sector,
• analysis departments of banks, broker offices, investement funds and fiduciary insurances companies,
• computer companies,
• research and development (R&D) departments.

Finding an interesting job, even during studies, is not a problem for our students.

Requirements for candidates

Candidates for studies in the Informatics and Econometrics specialization should be interested in exact sciences (mathematics and informatics) and economy. Studies in this specialization are interesting, but challenging, requiring systematic approach in learning.

Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki
i Matematyki

ul. Nowoursynowska 159,
02-776 Warszawa



Wydział realizuje w trybie stacjonarnym i
niestacjonarnym dwa kierunki studiów I i II stopnia
- Informatyka oraz Informatyka i Ekonometria:
kierunki studiów

Kategoryzacja MNiSW

Wydział otrzymał w kategoryzacji Ministerstwa
Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego:
2013: kategorię A
2017: kategorię B
ocena działaności naukowej

Ocena PKA

Bardzo wysoka ocena Państwowej Komisji
Akredytacyjnej dla kierunku:
2013: Informatyka i Ekonometria
2017: Informatyka
ocena programowa

Jakość kształcenia

na Wydziale Zastosowań Informatyki i Matematyki
jakość kształcenia

Wyposażenie dydaktyczne

Uczymy korzystając z nowoczesnego
wyposażenia dydaktycznego:


Dziekanat WZIiM @WZIM
Samorząd Studentów WZIiM @WZIiMSGGW
Koło naukowe REDINUX @redinux
Silver .Net Group @silvernetgroupsggw
Businnes Intelligence Group SAS @bigsasgroup
Podyplomowe studia SELinux @setenforce1

Biuro Karier SGGW
SGGW @karierasggw